In april gingen leerlingen van het Charlemagne College, locatie Eijkhagen naar Canterbury voor hun TTO reis. ’s Morgens kregen zij Engelse les van Engelse docenten Engels. ’s Middags stonden toeristische uitstapje op het programma naar o.a. Londen, Rochester, Dover Castle en uiteraard Canterbury zelf. ’s Avonds verbleven zij bij gastgezinnen.


Een bloemlezing uit de reactie van een aantal leerlingen (uiteraard in het Engels!):

“Well, it’s hard to say if a trip lives up to all of my expectations or not but this one is a total yes! I tried fish and chips which is now one of my favorite dishes! I learned a really nice accent but I’m not using it yet as probably a lot of us know. I wasn’t cranky in the morning we left!! which was awesome! I had a really nice time with my host family, watching cricket and other sports:) I had a really great time and I would love to do it again!”

“My favourite days in England were the Wednesday and the Thursday, as I liked doing the treasure hunt in Canterbury and I also enjoyed the free time afterwards. First, I went to the Starbucks together with Martin, Ardit, Sao Cheng, Talitha, Kay and Sem. Then Talitha and I went shopping, and I bought nice things like books, a tea mug and magnets. What I liked the most about the Thursday was the British Museum. The outside of the building already looked very impressive, and so was the inside. I liked the Roman department the most, as Latin and Greek are one of my favourite subjects in school. Having free time in London afterwards was really nice as well!”


British Museum

“I thought that the school in England was very different from Eijkhagen. It was a lot smaller, and it also had very small classrooms. I don’t think that the level of teaching is very different. I liked the lessons, as there was quite some variation and I learnt a lot of new things. We also played a travel agency game, which was a bit badly organized, but the thing I liked about it was the fact that we had to form groups with the Spanish or Asian children, so we could talk to people from different countries. I really enjoyed my stay in England!”

“All of my expectations about the trip came true. I had a very nice trip, had a lot of fun and learnt a lot. We also did a lot and went to a lot of places. We went for example to the Canterbury Cathedral, Canterbury city center, Rochester and its castle and London. We also had lessons the school we visited. I have learnt a lot about the history of England now, for example about Rochester and Canterbury. We also had a Quiz night on Wednesday. I too learnt there a lot, and also tasted some English and Scottish snacks and drinks.”

I also had a lot of fun with my class. We saw a lot and laughed a lot with each other. It’s nice to go somewhere with the people you normally only share lessons with.
My host family was a very nice family and they were also very friendly. My host lady, miss Dawn Body, is an employee at the post office. My host man, mister David Body, is a police officer. We haven’t really got to know their children, they didn’t seem to talk a lot or be around in the house.

The fact that we had always some free time after we visited a place is also very good. We had enough time to walk through London, Canterbury and Rochester.
I also expected to make new contacts and friends there. Well, I did. Brian and I went to a park one day and we met several Spanish people. As soon as they knew I am also Spanish, they directly came to us and gave their number. We still have contact now.”

Canterbury Cathedral is een hoogtepunt tijdens een TTO Taalreis Canterbury

Bij een TTO taalreis naar Canterbury mag een bezoek aan de Canterbury Cathedral niet ontbreken!

Canterbury Cathedral

“We definitely had great weather; we didn’t see a single drop of rain and the sun was always there, the temperature varied from 12 degrees to 18 degrees.
I think I improved my English, especially my pronunciation. At the school in Canterbury we found out our accent is called ‘’Broad European accent” AKA: every European accent possible with a little American mixed through it.

Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see 221B Baker street, we didn’t have time to cover the distance between Covent Garden and Baker street because we also wanted to go shopping. Besides, I am pretty sure we would’ve gotten lost.

The British museum was very nice to see again, I also saw some things I hadn’t seen before and I really liked the museum.
I saw the cliffs of Dover and they were just as immense as I thought they’d be, I took some great pictures of them.
Of course I had the most amazing time with our hos)! We talked about a lot of things and we really enjoyed our time at Carolyn’s home!

Because ofthe British culture quiz at Stafford House School of English we now know a lot about British culture.
I shopped way to much….. oops. Bye money.

I did catch a glimpse of Guy’s campus when we were in the bus and I will definitely be visiting it when I go to London in the summer break.
As expected, I enjoyed the day in London the most. A very close second was the day we had the treasure hunt in Canterbury. I least liked the boat trip because I prefer to feel land underneath my feet, and not water.

Overall, I absolutely loved the trip and I’d be more than willing to go again!”

White cliffs of Dover

“As I hoped, we improved our English grammar a lot, as well as our accent. We also learned a lot more about the British culture during all the activities, e.g. the treasure hunt or the game evening with British plates. The organization of the program was surprisingly good! Everything was taken care of and we barely had to worry about anything.

As for the activities, the lessons were fun and clear explanations were given. The only thing that really disappointed me about the trip was our host family. They didn’t pay a lot of interest in us and left us alone for most of the day. I think it’s a pity that they were far too busy to interact with us and get to know us, but nevertheless we had a great time.

The trips were awesome and we got a lot of free time! I think the overall experience of this trip was very fun and educational.”

“* My British has accent improved
* I have seen a lot of British culture
* I have bought a lot of candy in England
* I have learnt a bit more about the English culture
* I did not socialize as much as I expected
* My host family was average
* I did have some interactions in the English daily life, but it was a lot like ours
* The host family had one kid of my age
* I have seen a lot of English landscapes
* The weather was very good
* I had fish n’ chips
Overall, I had a great time in England, the one thing I enjoyed the most was the Museum in London, I’ve never been in such a big Museum before! I liked my host family and I loved the trips and the canteen food.”

Fish & chips

“The travel to Canterbury was more fun than my first year because of the class. I was really happy to spend more time with my friends together. However, I did get a little seasick on the boat. 2 years ago it was much worse so I am glad that I was not as uncomfortable as 2 years ago.

I really liked what we saw in England. I think its history is important and the castles that we have seen were really interesting. The cathedral was spectacular and London is fabulous as always.
The people of England were friendly. Some people say they are rude and selfish but the people I met were the opposite of that. They were friendly and polite. I really like the people in England
The food of the canteen improved over the years. First there were plastic plates and plastic cutlery and the food was not that good. This time there was regular cutlery and plates and the food was quite delicious (especially the salad).

Our homestay host family was nice to us. They gave us delicious breakfast, but I did not like that when we arrived the beds and the floor were full of crumbs. I also did not like that the shower did not work so well.

What I liked about London was that we visited the British Museum and the free time. What I did not like was that the coach came late and we had to wait.
The travel back to home was a little tiring. I was tired because of the day before (London). I did not really enjoy the trip home because we had to leave England and I did not do much on the coach.
What I remember most from the trip
Now I have a unforgettable memory of my friends and the best class a student could ever imagine. I will keep this memory forever.”



Dover Castle

Schoolreis Londen - Bruisende Stad

Schoolreis Londen – Bruisende Stad


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